Susanne Rublein
Flute, Principal
Member Since 1998
I grew up in Williamsburg, Virginia and started playing piano when I was 5. I started recorder lessons at Colonial Williamsburg when I was 7 and began flute when I was 8. I’ve been fortunate to have some great music teachers in my life.
I joined OCO in 1998. Marty and I met through our mutual flute teacher and she asked me to join OCO, which she had just started conducting. I work for Pixar in the Systems department. When I am not working or playing flute I compete in masters swimming. I am in the pool most days of the week.
I appreciate being in OCO because we are able to bring music to our audience free of charge. People are always so appreciative. One of my favorite memories of OCO was an afternoon concert we did at the bandstand at San Antonio Park. So many neighbors wandered over and sat down to listen, and would have stayed as long as we continued to play. It was a true community event.
I find that whatever piece I am currently working on is always my favorite for the moment. Many years ago, though, playing in Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6 (the Pastoral) was the experience that really hooked me on playing in an orchestra.
There are many great things about being a flutist, and being seated squarely in the middle of the orchestra is one of the best. It is so exciting to be completely surrounded by all the action.
Flute, Principal
Member Since 1998
I grew up in Williamsburg, Virginia and started playing piano when I was 5. I started recorder lessons at Colonial Williamsburg when I was 7 and began flute when I was 8. I’ve been fortunate to have some great music teachers in my life.
I joined OCO in 1998. Marty and I met through our mutual flute teacher and she asked me to join OCO, which she had just started conducting. I work for Pixar in the Systems department. When I am not working or playing flute I compete in masters swimming. I am in the pool most days of the week.
I appreciate being in OCO because we are able to bring music to our audience free of charge. People are always so appreciative. One of my favorite memories of OCO was an afternoon concert we did at the bandstand at San Antonio Park. So many neighbors wandered over and sat down to listen, and would have stayed as long as we continued to play. It was a true community event.
I find that whatever piece I am currently working on is always my favorite for the moment. Many years ago, though, playing in Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6 (the Pastoral) was the experience that really hooked me on playing in an orchestra.
There are many great things about being a flutist, and being seated squarely in the middle of the orchestra is one of the best. It is so exciting to be completely surrounded by all the action.